The cathedral island in Poznań

The Cathedral Island in polish is called "Ostrów Tumski" - ostrów in old polish means island and tum means the cathedral. Last Satruday I was with my group there to explore this delightful place. In this area lived dukes, kings, artists and normal people. If you really want to do a tour in Ostrów Tumski you need to have more or less 4 hours. In this encalve there are located monuments like Archaeological Reserve called Genius Loci, psaltery, St. Mary Church, Archcathedral  Basilica and Archibishop Palace.

Unquestionably, person who left the most important imprint on this territory is duke Mieszko I. He decided to create a sovereign state and so he adopted Christianity. I was very suprised when I discovered that in Ostrów Tumski was a palace of Mieszko and Dobrawa. This palace symbolised the power of Mieszko I. What's more, in the palace of the duke there was a first polish chapel from the iniciative of his christian wife Dobrawa. From the palace site was erected  St. Mary Churches. I even didn't know that the palace of Mieszko I was in Ostrów Tumski!

Palatium looked more or less like this reconstruction and it was made by stones and not wood to show the importance of duke's house. Unfortunately, the palace and the chapel were destroyed in XIth century during the Czech raid.
 We also visited Genius Loci (translating from latin means the protective spirit of a place). Even though I live in Poznań 24 years I've never ever been there! I think it's really worth seeing! Inside there is an interesting film about Xth centry polish country and it's fortifications.

Next week our training course will take place in the cathedral so I hope then I will write you some interesting information aboout our cathedral!


  1. Thank you, I didn't know about it before.. As soon as I have a little bit of free time, I will visit this place for sure.


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