City Guide Poznań

Yesterday I started a new adventure. And it seems quite fascinating to me! Well, I started a course for being a tourist guide in Poznań. I am fond of history and foreign languages so it looks like a perfect place for me to be! As one wide man said: "Traveling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into storyteller." And it starts when you just leave your home looking for a new adventure. I would like to become a storyteller about Poznań, I would like to tell tourists about polish legends in alluring way and just know my city inside out.

Well, it will not be easy, I will finish my course in March and I will pass (I hope) and exams from a practical and theoretical part so I think I have to study hard to be well prepared for this challenge. For now, I don't know much about Poznań. Of course, I know where the cathedral is, where you can drink a good coffee and where to go for shopping but I will try to increse my knowledge about my beautiful city just to pass the information for turists. What's more I would like to share this information with you!


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