Summer memories


It's not easy to come back to our daily routine and to writing post every weekend. Well, I love holidays and I love spending it in an extraordinary way. I think I am very lucky and happy person and I really like sharing this love & happiness with others. So this summer I travelled to... Zambia!
The Republic of Zambia is country in Southern Africa. We lived in Kasama, which is more or less 3 hours from Tanzania. Even though I don't know a lot about history of Zambia I know that (unfortunately) it has become the British colony. In 1964 Zambia became independent of the UK. Well, zambian motto is "one Zambia, one nation", but it's not so easy. There are a lot of different tribes which dwells this country. When you'll travel to the northen part of Zambia (Luapula Province) you'll meet Bantu tribe which speak Bemba. Whereas you will travel to Victoria Falls (amazing waterfalls in the southern part of Zambia) you will meet Tonga tribe.

I can speak a bit bemba, for example "Mulishani" means "How are you?" and "Ciapua" means silence. I think the etimology of bemba word "isukulu" comes from English word "school". What's more I can even ask you "what is your name?" ("Uli nemi aka inga?").

The problem is that I can communicate only in the northern part of Zambia and when I came back to Lusaka (the capital) I couldn't communicate! They speak nyanga there (but fortunately in the capital they speak also English).

Frankly speaking I love Africa. I know that many people are scared of going there but I think it's a beautiful experience that can change your life and your poinf of view. Once you came back from that continent you will never be the same.

Why did I go there? With what organisation? Where did I work? What was work? And why did I want to go as a volonteer? I will write about it next weekend!

Have a beautiful Saturday! <3


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