
Hi everybody! 
How's life? 
I am just sitting with my sis in the train going back to Poznań. I was in Warsaw, cause I had to prepare my presentation about my mission in Zambia. I spent there more than 2 mounths so now it was time to share my experience with others who are preparing themselves to go for a mission. 

Well, recently it's the worst time of my life. I really don't want to share with you any detail cause it doesn't matter. There are a lot of factors that influence my state of mind, my thoughts, my behaviour. I even don't have neither power nor idea about what I should write here with you. In my primary school we used to say "Life is brutal and full of zasadzkas" and we used to laugh a lot about this sentace. Now I really don't feel like laughing at all. But still life is life and you have to live it even when it's tough. In spite of my negative post I hope it will get better. 

Have a nice Sunday. 



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