Benvenuti al Sud

Today I would like to recommend you one of the funniest italian films which talks about streotypes. Even though there is an English title Welcome to the South I still prefer italian one Benvenuti al Sud.

It's hard to write about it in English, cause talking about italian films, I usually do it in italian. It has a sequel Benvenuti al Nord but I haven't seen it yet. 

What is all plot about? 

It's about Lombardian director Colombo which didn't get transfer to Milan but... to the South of Italy. As we know there are a lot of stereotyopes about Italians. What's more even people from Milan and Bologna can be scared of South of Italy. 


- "Because in Naples everyone is poor and has bad smell."
- "In the South they don't speak Italian but strange dialect, so you cannot understand them."
- "In the South la mafia is omnipresent." 
- "They will kill just when you will eneter in their territory."

With these stereotypes Colombo travels in the provincial village of Castellabate and meets locals there. 

What exaclty will happen? And how will this story finish? I will not reveal it. Just find some spare time and watch it! 

Benvenuti al Sud.jpg


  1. I've heard so much about this film, one day I hope to finally watch it (ever though I am not a big fan of italian cinema).


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