
Hi! Today a short post about one of my favourite italian songwriters and singers. Zucchero. Sugar.
I will suggest you some of his songs and bring closer to his life.
He is italian born in Roncocesi in 1955. His career begun in Seventies when he found a small band. His internation career is spanning for many years. He took part in Festival San Remo - on of the most famous festivals in Italy. He sang with Pavarotti, Clapton and Sting.
As he writes in his book "Suono della domenica" he loves a simple life. He compares himself to a carpetner who also has to do his work. We wakes up and goes to work. He works all day long to come for dinner to his house.
I think most of his songs are really charming, although I confirm that some of them are not successful.
I want to propose you my favourite Zucchero's song: 
  • Let's start form English one. WONDERFUL LIFE. I really appreciate a chorus of that song:
No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life


  • Another one: Suono della domenica is the song and also a autobiography of Zucchero. It's worth reading :)

  • I really appreciate also Mark Knopfler, a British and guitarist so I was very happy to listen to this song:
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqEscnZXVFA

Have a nice Friday! 


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