Kotlina Kłodzka

Hey guys! Summer is coming! Finally! So many things to do! SO many exams to write! So many project to finish! But well, I am very happy because on Friday I came back from school trip were I was a tourist guide. I have to tell you that being a tourist guide is very very stressul but also satisfying job. Last year I worked for Rainbow Tours and this one I changed a company and I'm satisfied 'cause new one is much more organised and firendly. It's smaller one and owners are very opend and friendly. And the other one is unfortunately a huge company. Well, so last 3 days I was guiding a class from Szamotuły. We traveld to Kotlina Kłodzka, we were in twierdza Kłodzka - monumental fortress and we've seen mine laying sidewalks. That was really a cool experience to work with children :) We went to Błędne Skały and Szczeliniec Wielki (polish mountains) and we looked for gold in one of the mines :) Stunning view from Szczeliniec Wielki :)