Warsaw time - The human Experience

This weekend I spend in Warsaw in place called 'Salezjański Ośrodek Misyjny' which is the place where young people are prepared for being volonteers in the poorest countries of our planet. I've spent there 3 wonderful days with my friends. I still don't know the details but probably I will spend my "last summer" in another country working with children or homeless people. I'll let ou know :) 

On Sunday I met my friends from Moldova - Emilia, Iulia and Sasza. I made an appointment with them and another friend Zosia. Because other friends were presenting their film we went to see it. 

It's called "The human exeprience" and it's about two brother for light in the dark world". They are trying to be homless in New York, then they go to Peru where they help abandoned children. Their last adventure is in Ghana in the leper colony.  

I absolutely think this film is worth seeing. If you' re interested of this documentary just see  the trailer: 

Have a good Monday!


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