Why November is not so bad?

I really hate autumn. It rains all the time, trees don't have their beautiful colorful leaves anymore, puddles are becoming bigger and bigger. Every year when November comes I start counting days, hours, minutes until December. This year I resolved that November will be a funny and sunny mounth. And you know what, I think it's very good for me. Even though I have many things to do I also try to find a little bit more time for my travels. People usually travel in June, in July, in August. But is there any reason to leave Poland in August when sun is shining and you can sunbath even in your garden? I have to admitt that I also travel in July and in August but this year I was working as a tour leader so almost every week I was in Italy. (But remember that it was a hard work!) So I decided that November will be the month when I will do a city-break to a lovely city where sun is shining even in winter. Moreover, my parents decided that it would be great if we could spend some time toghether in the mountains. So I came back from Góry Sowie (Snow! I've seen snow!!!) and in few hours I'm flighting to ... Barcelona!!! I'm really looking forward to visit that city! So now I have to pack my suitcase and prepare all important documents. :)
I would like to write a little bit about Góry Sowie, but I hope I'll do it next time. With photos and... snow!!! :)

P.S. Now I absolutely like autumn :)


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